Window Cleaners Hip Bucket
Holds squeegee, various sizes of channel and maintains the window wash applicator wet and ready for use without dripping.
Holds squeegee, various sizes of channel and maintains the window wash applicator wet and ready for use without dripping.
Holds squeegee, various sizes of channel and maintains the window wash applicator wet and ready for use without dripping. Aids mobility, hands free for ladder work and tight areas. Right or left handed operation. Quick release belt strap.
This little bucket is absolutely great for filling with a little water and soap, and going about your round. Perfectly located for going up and down ladders, and if you keep the water level low then the water won't leak out everywhere. This is so handy for a professional window cleaner allowing you to keep your hands free and not having to carry around a bucket every where you go!
This hip bucket is also the perfect size to pop a micro tiger with your channel and rubber, it can literally hold absolutely everything you need to make your windows abosolutely gleam!
Every window cleaners faithful friend!
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Rawhide Double Squeegee Holster is 100% heavy grade leather with studded reinforcement. Complete with belt attachment.Window cleaning Equipment holder for the professionals. Extremely stable, made of quality leather and will suit any serious window cleaners needs.Speed. This Double Squeegee Holster offers added flexibility and convenience.
Micro - Tiger Wash Sleeve
The stainless steel channel and rubber is locked onto the handle by means of two teeth at the top of the spring that fits into the corresponding holes. These holes are at regular intervals so that the channel and rubber blade can be secured as required. When complete with handle they increase the your reach of the squeegee so that you can get to the top of the window without using a ladder. The standard and soft versions of the rubber blade are fitted into perfectly straight channels to improve functionality. Various Sizes available, please see our size selections.
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