Peroxy Disinfectant 2 x 5kg
Effective against all known classes of virus, fungi and bacteria Suitable for use as an aerial, surface and water disinfectant Safe to use; fast dissolving and non staining Effective in hard water and at low temperatures
Effective against all known classes of virus, fungi and bacteria Suitable for use as an aerial, surface and water disinfectant Safe to use; fast dissolving and non staining Effective in hard water and at low temperatures
Peroxy Disinfectant is Effective against all known classes of virus, fungi and bacteria Suitable for use as an aerial, surface and water disinfectant
Safe to use; fast dissolving and non staining Effective in hard water and at low temperatures.
To control organisms that can be introduced into a building during the setting up procedure, and to disinfect
inaccessible areas of the building and air, use a fi ne mist sprayer or thermal fogging machine to apply solution evenly.
Adjust dilution to suit soiling level or disease history of the house. Dilute at a rate between 1:50 and 1:200
parts water. Remove portable equipment and clean the house of litter, manure and dirt. Power wash the area
using a solution of Shift™ at 1:150. Disinfect all surfaces by spraying with a solution and allow to dry. After
equipment has been re-installed, re-stocking may be carried out.
Drain the pipes and tank and fl ush with clean water. Fill the system with a solution at 1:200 and leave in
contact for 30 minutes. Drain and rinse with clean water.
Misting / Aerial Spray: Dilute at a rate of 1:200 parts clean water. Using a pressure washer or knapsack
sprayer on its fi nest mist setting, apply at 1 litre of solution per 10m² of fl oor space.
Cold Fogging: Dilute at a rate of 1:100 parts clean water. Use a mechanical mister to apply the solution at a
rate of 1 litre per 10m² of fl oor space.
Thermal Fogging: Dilute 1:25 (4%) of Peroxy Disinfectant in an 85:15 dilution of water and PEG (polyethylene
glycol) solution. Using a thermal fogging machine, apply the prepared solution at 1 litre per 40m² of fl oor space.
Peroxy Disinfectant can be misted in the presence of livestock or poultry at a dilution rate of 1:200 (0.5%).
A cold fogger or mister should be used, as the noise of a thermal fogger may disturb the animals’ behaviour.
Clean surfaces with detergent prior to disinfection.
Dilute 50 g per 5 L water (1:100). Apply to surface with a clean cloth or mop and leave for 5 minutes. Rinse
with potable water and allow to air dry.
Acid Brite is a concentrated, low foaming, surfactant-assisted liquid, specially formulated for the cleaning, descaling & sanitising all types of bulk tanks and other equipment in dairy milking parlours. Order online today.
Fast-acting acid-based formulation that descales and removes milkstone. Use in conjunction with Acid Brite for best results. Order online today.
Evans Hypochlorite is a chlorine-based, fast acting disinfectant with bactericidal action for routine disinfection of milking parlours. Hypochlorite is used as a routine disinfection of milking plants, pipelines, dairy utensils and general cleaned surfaces also suitable for swimming pool chlorination, the non-foaming formulation mixes easily and rinses freely away . This product is also suitable for in-place disinfection programmes and hypochlorite is recommended for use with Blusyl and Q’sol detergents to give sanitising properties. highly economical in use the 25ltr container makes up to 10,000 litres of working solution.
Vanodox 20ltr is a stabilised blend of Peroxyacetic Acid in equilibrium and is effective against a wide range of bacteria, fungi & viruses. Effective against Newcastle Disease Virus, Foot & Mouth Disease Virus, Coxsackie B5 Virus, Rota Virus, Vaccinia Virus, Reo Virus, Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Dv86, Ecbo Virus, Aujeszkys Disease Virus, Swine Fever Virus.
© Copyright 2008-2025 Astral Hygiene Ltd All rights reserved. Trade mark number UK00003950712