Bio Blocks
Choose either the blocks or the blocks contained within a screen.
Bio Blocks, these urinal blocks contain special bacterial cultures that clean and deodorise urinal traps and pipes while enabling great savings of
water to be made. Constant flushing of urinals means a big water bill. There is a better way! We recommend a typical urinal system need only be flushed about three times per day when using Bio Blocks which is a massive saving in terms of cost and in terms of water consumption. Bio Blocks are also compatible for use with waterless urinal systems, a typical urinal need only be flushed about three times each day when using Bio Blocks.
Bio Blocks do not contain carcinogenic PDCB or other harmful or dangerous chemicals and are particularly suitable for use in public buildings such as hotels, pubs, clubs and restaurants as well as schools and institutions where care should be taken to protect people and the environment. Use in conjunction with Blu-Away to maintain and odour-free washroom environment.
These bio-blocks effectively eat through the uric acid build up, it will take some time, and it will be dependent on how much of a build up you have, but if you stick with it, use the Blu Away (linked at the bottom of this page) on your tiles and floors, and keep using the Bio Blocks, your bathrooms will not be smelly and the smell of urine will not meet you at the door!
Available in a tub of 1.1kg or a box of 12 blocks with individual screens.
• Biodegradable
• Removes the cause of odours
• Suitable for all types of urinals and troughs including
stainless steel, porcelain and ceramic
• Prevents blocked traps and pipes
• Can save on water bills
• Contains odour neutralising perfume
• Cleans and freshens
• Safer to use and not harmful under COSHH
Bio Blocks contain a selection of non-pathogenic microorganisms a blend of cleaning and water-softening
agents, a special odour-blocking perfume & colour.
Place one block in each urinal. Space every 50cm in
trough urinals.
Replace when the block has dissolved for maximum
Water saving solutions from using Bio Blocks
To enable you to get the maximum water savings from urinals, without the hassle
of physically cleaning and deodorising the pipe work and urinal trap regularly, Bio-Productions formulated the, “Bio Block”.
This “toss-it-in-and-forget-it” urinal block both chemical cleaning agents with a safe, biological activity to remove the solids (including calcium and uric crystals) that cause blockages and washroom odours. to maintain clear odourless pipe work, as each time the urinal is used the client washes some of these chemical and biological cleaning agents into the system.
Additional financial benefits can be obtained by reducing the frequency of the flush, and typically around 100,000 litres of water can easily be saved by flushing between just three and five times every 24 hours. Some systems claim to offer fully waterless but we at BioProductions would not advocate this as the solids in the urine settle-out and adhere to the pipes, causing blockages unless purged occasionally. To counter this, waterless systems often suggest flushing with a cocktail of cleaning agents and water. However this usually provides insufficient liquid to purge these solids through the pipes so only the urinal trap is cleaned. Consequently the buildup in difficult to clear pipes goes unnoticed until flooding problems occur.
Bio Blocks contain only biodegradable materials These include a special fragrance , which does not mask odours but creates a pleasant environment for the client.
Surfactant cleaning agents. These enable the specially selected bacteria to quickly make contact with the soiling and solids to be degraded.
High quantities of specially selected (and harmless) bacteria. These colonise the urinal pipes and degrade the body-solids, calcium and urine crystals, keeping the pipes clear and free from odours.
Using the blocks Simply place (or toss) a Bio Block into each urinal. Or, place one every couple of feet in a slab (or trough) urinal.
Ideally reduce the frequency of flushing to once every 5 or 6 hours (it can be more often during the day and less frequently during the night-time if preferred).
Replace the blocks as and when they dissolve. It is typical for some urinals to be used more frequently than others, so in these cases the blocks will dissolve more quickly. This caters for the high volume urinals and the less used urinals, delivering more biological cleaning activity where needed.
Complimentary washroom cleaning As urine is often splashed onto adjacent surfaces, Bio-Productions has created a liquid cleaner, Blu-Away, to compliment Bio Blocks. Blu-Away contains the same chemical and biological activity as Bio Blocks and may be used safely to de-contaminate these surfaces. Simply by spraying or swabbing a dilution of Blu-Away onto the contaminated surface once or twice each week, the whole washroom can easily be maintained as a clean, odour-free and hospitable environment for the client.
Blu-Away may also be used to clean and maintain washroom fittings including urinals, toilet bowls, showers and hand-basins. Like Bio Blocks, Blu-Away contains bacteria that degrade calcium, enabling it to be dissolved and removed by cold-water. This takes a couple of applications but unlike some aggressive chemical cleaners, it does not damage chrome and aluminium fittings. Blu-Away may also be used for supplementing the Bio Block activity and just by cleaning the urinal once or twice each day will accomplish this.
No special preparation required It is clear that by utilising the billions of safe bacteria within Bio Blocks and Blu-Away, washroom cleaning and water savings can be achieved. There is no requirement to disconnect plumbing or administer a special cleaning solution to the urinals manually. All that is required is to ensure no aggressive chemicals and disinfectants are used, which will prevent the biological activity.
Replace dissolved Bio Blocks whenever necessary. Swab urine contaminated surfaces (walls and/or floors) once or twice each week with a solution of Blu-Away and you and your clients will enjoy water-savings - labour savings and a healthy washroom environment - naturally !

Before and After using Bio Blocks.
Using Bio-Productions Bio Blocks in ONE single urinal alone can save circa 100,000 litres of water a year. That’s the equivalent to the TOTAL annual water usage of a small household... per single urinal!
A pub or small office
Five urinals = 500,000 litres SAVED per year
A night club
Ten urinals = 1,000,000 litres SAVED per year
An average sized hotel
30 urinals = 3,000,000 litres SAVED per year
A sports arena
100 urinals = 10,000,000 litres SAVED per year
4 olympic sized swimming pools!
Huge potential £££ savings
An average urinal is flushed 36 times a day. That’s a colossal 13,140 flushes a year. Or, in money terms, around £170 of water flushed down
the (urinal) drain every year. Using Bio Blocks, you can reduce this flush frequency to around 4 times a day. That’s a staggering 11,452 less flushes per annum.
Or, in money terms, under £20 of water flushed down the (urinal) drain every year. Or, better still, a massive saving of around £150 per year... per urinal.
Not dissimilar to the annual water bill for a small house. And Bio Blocks cost just £20 per urinal per year. So, you can save around £150 per year... per urinal.
That’s a lot of money in anyone’s book. And that’s before you consider the very significant environmental contribution you are making...
Bio Blocks (not money) down your drains this year.
Bio Blocks do not contain pDCB or other dangerous chemicals and are particularly suitable for use in public buildings, schools, institutions, hotels, pubs, clubs and restaurants. The pictures above show two urinal outlets after six months use - one using Bio Blocks, the other no blocks at all.