Washroom Cleaning Concentrate
Pleasantly perfumed concentrated all round washroom cleaner. Contains powerful bactericide. Effectively kills bacteria on all hand touch surfaces - taps, toilet flush handles, door handles etc.
Pleasantly perfumed concentrated all round washroom cleaner. Contains powerful bactericide. Effectively kills bacteria on all hand touch surfaces - taps, toilet flush handles, door handles etc.
Pleasantly perfumed concentrated all round washroom cleaner. Contains powerful bactericide. Effectively kills bacteria on all hand touch surfaces - taps, toilet flush handles, door handles etc.
Follow the pictorial guide on the bottle. Squeeze bottle to fill the top reservoir, when the reservoir is full tip the contents into either a trigger spray bottle or a bucket containing warm/hot water. A second dose may be necessary in larger buckets, do not repeat the dose into trigger spray bottles.
Composition A high active blend of quaternary ammonium salts, cationic cleaning agents, chelating agents and nonionic surfactants with a high degree of synergistic action.
Appearance Clear Liquid
Colour Deep red
Cloud Point >40
Density 1.036
pH 2.0
Fragrance Floral
Stability 2 years in a unopened container
All biocides/disinfectant/preservatives contained within Selden products fully comply with the EU Biocidal product Directive 98/8/EC, ensuring a high level of protection for humans, animals and the environment. All surfactants contained in Selden Products meet the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive 2005 – 2004/648/EC. This requires all surfactants to break down both quickly and completely into harmless material such as CO2 and water.
Statutory Conditions
biocidal regulation
Product is for professional use only.
Laboratory Test Results
microorganism test method tested by conditions % kill rate dilution
Escherichia coli
Common food poisoning bacteria BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Clean 99.999 1 / 75
Escherichia coli
Common food poisoning bacteria BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Dirty 99.999 1 / 60
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Skin infections BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Clean 99.999 1 / 200
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Skin infections BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Dirty 99.999 1 / 200
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacterial food poisoning and skin infections BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Clean 99.999 1 / 200
Staphylococcus aureus
Bacterial food poisoning and skin infections BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Dirty 99.999 1 / 200
Enterococcus hirae
Food poisoning bacteria BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Clean 99.999 1 / 75
Enterococcus hirae
Food poisoning bacteria BS EN 1276 Internal - UKAS Accredited Laboratory Dirty 99.999 1 / 60
Lemon Disinfectant concentrate kills smells and malodours and leaves fresh lemon atmosphere. V710 contains a broad spectrum quaternary biocide. Use as a general disinfectant for floors, walls and drains in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, offices and factories etc. N.B. Do not use in food preparation or serving areas.
Fast acting general purpose cleaner for all water washable surfaces. Contains a clean pine fragrance leaving the room with a fresh, just-cleaned atmosphere.
Kills smells and malodours, leaves fresh pine atmosphere. Contains a broad spectrum quaternary biocide.As a general disinfectant for floors, walls and drains in hospitals, schools, nursing homes, offices and factories etc. N.B. Do not use in food preparation or serving areas.
© Copyright 2008-2025 Astral Hygiene Ltd All rights reserved. Trade mark number UK00003950712