Crystal is a concentrated powder circulation & bulk tank cleaner, which has been designed to meet the hygiene demands of the modern milking parlour.
Crystal is a concentrated powder circulation & bulk tank cleaner, which has been designed to meet the hygiene demands of the modern milking parlour.
A concentrated powder circulation & bulk tank cleaner, which has been designed to meet the hygiene demands of the modern milking parlour. It is suitable for use in all types of pipeline milking equipment & bulk milk tanks. The 20-kilo bucket is economical as it makes 8,000 litres of working solution. It dissolves rapidly, is suitable for use in hard or soft water, defats & protects rubbers & also helps prevent milkstone build up. It is low foam, free rinsing, easy & pleasant to use & leaves milking equipment sparkling clean.
For automatic & hand operated tank spray cleaning equipment, the instructions of the manufacturer should be followed.
Automatically cleaned tanks should be manually cleaned at least once every month. In the case of tanks with manhole access, the tank should be inspected at least once a week. If problems arise, the manufacturers of the automatic cleaning equipment should be consulted.
Acid Brite is a concentrated, low foaming, surfactant-assisted liquid, specially formulated for the cleaning, descaling & sanitising all types of bulk tanks and other equipment in dairy milking parlours. Order online today.
An extremely powerful & fast-acting Defra Approved (Foot & Mouth, Swine Vesicular, Poultry & General Orders) & listed in the Aquatic Disinfectant Listing Scheme, Iodophor based disinfectant, approved for animal use. Buy online today.
Evans Hypochlorite is a chlorine-based, fast acting disinfectant with bactericidal action for routine disinfection of milking parlours. Hypochlorite is used as a routine disinfection of milking plants, pipelines, dairy utensils and general cleaned surfaces also suitable for swimming pool chlorination, the non-foaming formulation mixes easily and rinses freely away . This product is also suitable for in-place disinfection programmes and hypochlorite is recommended for use with Blusyl and Q’sol detergents to give sanitising properties. highly economical in use the 25ltr container makes up to 10,000 litres of working solution.
A powerful, heavy-duty, detergent cleaner, which can be used through all types of high or low-pressure washers, whether using hot or cold water.
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