Red Wine Removal... in minutes

Hello, Anna here from Astral. Today I wanted to talk to you about some products, but importantly about stain removal. I wanted to introduce a new range that we have in stock right now currently. It is available in our tick tock shop and on our webshop (
It is the DEW range, an electolysed water range, with a shelf life of two years. It is entirely natural, approved by Allergy UK, which is important. It is not going to create any nasty symptoms, they are so so safe that it is no hazard warning signs on any of the products at all. A real revolution in terms of the kinds of products we have brought in here.
I wanted to talk to you today particularly about stain removal and Superclean. This is a bottle of red wine, which I have just wantonly poured over the carpet. So we are going to use superclean to get rid of this red wine by just dabbing. Red wine has been spilled on your carpet, OMG this is terrible, so I'm just going to start by dabbing out the excess liquid, as quickly as you can, get the excess liquid out. Then I'm going to take the superclean, which is available in 500ml's, (, so while this is working, and it's almost lifting the stain out of the carpet, it's almost as if there was nothing there. So while this is working, I'm going to speak to you about this product, this is a negatively charged product, so the way this works, is it effectively pushes the stain out of the material. So, it's working in a way in which you've never seen cleaning products work before. It's absoutely revolutionary, I would describe it as nature, working with science... next level.
So we've sprayed it with superclean, it looks like it's disappeared, lets give it a dab. You can see I'm just using the same piece of paper that I dried it off with, this is just standard kitchen roll with superclean. You can't use too much of this, it's not going to melt your carpet, or cause any ill effects, so if you have an antique carpet or any light material that you were worried about cleaning get some super clean because this product is unlike any product I've ever seen before; it's entirely natural and it works.
So while that is working... lets play with some coffee. So this is freshly made coffee, let's slosh some coffee on, freshly made coffee. Again, I'm just dabbing the excess liquid off, take out the excess liquid, as quickly as you can. So if you have a member of your family that likes to spill things, someone who likes to slosh red wine around on a Friday night. Maybe a child who likes to slosh ribena around or something equally offensive, or the dreaded felt tip, this will lift that also.
It works on all upholstery, its absolutely great! So while that is working on the coffee, I'm just going to dab the red wine again, and you can see here, that it is lifting the stains quite easily. You can see there is still a dark bit here, but if you carry on dabbing not rubbing your just basically drying off the surfactant and the electrolysed water, so that it gets a chance to really attack and push that stain out of the carpet.
Like I was saying before, it is negatively charged, and it just pushes the stain out of the carpet. Lets have another go at this coffee here. Have you ever seen anything like it? In all my time in this industry, I've never seen a product that works so effectively and so quickly!
Usually with stain removers you've got to have a few goes of it. This is working so so quickly, it's just marvellous. So you can see the progress that is being made here with these stains, I think with a little bit more nurturing, these will come out perfectly well.
I'm so impressed with this superclean! What it is actually designed for is grease. So grease and fat, it's marketed as all purpose cleaner, removes grease, oil, stains and more. So it can pretty much clean anything. I've cleaned my bathrooms with this, because it cuts through grease and stains, it obviously removes body fat from bathrooms which is great.
You know the film that you get on your cooker hood, the film that you would get on your grill door, so it removes grease from there. However, unlike any other degreaser I have come across in my career at, it doesn't have that nasty vapour that sits in the back of your throat and makes you want to cough. It's entirely fragrance free, approved by Allergy UK, and I'm sitting in quite a small room doing this demonstration, and I'm not affected at all by the vapour, and I'm sitting really quite close to it. One of our more heavier duty degreasers, which you would use in a more severe situtation like getting the grease out of the bottom of your grill pan.
You would feel that in the back of your throat, oven cleaners, the good ones, you can feel them in the back of your throat. THIS you can't feel anything at all. If you are a hosehold where you have someone who suffers with asthma, or you have children running about, or you have a prolific red wine spiller, then this is the product for you. I can't get over how excellent this product really is.