At Astral Hygiene we take sustainability really seriously.  We are aiming to be a totally carbon neutral business, and we are working towards this, and have made great strides over the last few years.  Almost all of our paper products are from sustainable sources, meaning that for every tree used to make our paper, 3 are planted. 

The energy with which we run our buildings is all completely carbon neutral run from entirely sustainable energy sources (wind, solar or wave power).  We still have work to do, but we are making great strides, and this innovation is led from the top because our management team are really passionate about running a carbon neutral, environmentally sustainable business.

We also now offer a range of products which are EU Ecolabel accredited. Established in 1992 and recognised across Europe and worldwide, the EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle: from raw material extraction, to production, distribution and disposal. 


The EU Ecolabel promotes the circular economy by encouraging producers to generate less waste and CO2 during the manufacturing process.  The EU Ecolabel criteria also encourages companies to develop products that are durable, easy to repair and recycle.  The EU Ecolabel criteria provide exigent guidelines for companies looking to lower their environmental impact and guarantee the efficiency of their environmental actions through third party controls.  Furthermore, many companies turn to the EU Ecolabel criteria for guidance on eco-friendly best practices when developing their product lines. 


Eco-friendly chemicals play an important part in managing the bacteria in your septic tank, so whether you are an eco-warrior or need eco-friendly chemicals to maintain the bacteria in your septic tank, we have a solution.  So what’s the difference between eco-friendly chemicals and regular chemicals?

Any chemical which we have here at Astral has the EU Ecolabel logo on it, which means all of the ingredients are not biocides they are enzymes.  Biocides effectively kill bugs, and enzymes inhibit bugs. So the enzymes effectively work with the organic matter that is present in the area rather than simply killing the bacteria or the organic matter.  Regular chemicals effectively either burn matter away with caustic ingredients or kill bacteria/viruses with a biocide. 


Eco-friendly chemicals are really important to use in those places including businesses and homes that use a septic tank.  Septic tanks are basically a mini ecosystem, and to this ecosystem breaks down organic matter because the good bacteria and the enzymes break it down.  Now if you introduce biocides or bleach in to your septic tank you run the risk of killing the good bacteria, or if you introduce the wrong type of chemical you can overstimulate your septic tank.


When your tank has been overstimulated, it begins to froth from the outlet pipe and frothy bubbles which will smell quite foul will start to emit from your septic unit.  If you have introduced too much biocide, bleach or caustic ingredients this kills off your enzymes and good bacteria which are digesting the organic matter.  This means the organic matter just lies there, and your septic tank will need to be emptied or will begin to overflow.


The secret of managing a septic tank is to really nurture your enzymes and bacteria, because the more you have in there, the more digestion you will have going on, meaning that you tank won’t need emptied half as often.   We have a full range of Eco-Friendly Chemicals, from toilet cleaners, to washing -up liquid.   


The key is to be aware of exactly what it is that you are putting into your septic tank, because if you put too much of the wrong type of chemical, it will either render your septic tank useless – requiring a premature empty, or it will foam over and require to be emptied.  Avoid unnecessary call outs, just put the right chemicals in there!

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