Astonishing findings..... how often do we wash our gym kit as a nation?

After a sweaty workout, it can be all too easy to throw your clothes to the side, and pick them up again for the next workout. However, reports state that gym equipment can harbour more germs than a toilet seat, with 70% of bacteria found in gyms found to be harmful to humans. If you follow this hyper link, you'll be taken to a webpage we found which really lays out what bacteria are on each piece of gym equipment and the necessity as a gym goer to use the sanitisers provided by the gym to clean the equipment before and after touching it! Use something like this.... Cleaner Sanitiser which is BSEN 1276, BSEN 14476...But what about our own gym wear and towels?
Sweat and bacteria left on sportswear can lead to bacteria imbalance, odour build-up, skin irritations and even fungal infections.
While guidance shows that workout clothes should be washed after every workout (if you produce sweat), Live Football Tickets surveyed 2,000 UK residents to discover exactly how often they wash their gym wear, and provided their top tips on how to efficiently wash your clothes.
How concerned are Brits about hygiene in the gym?
To what extent are you concerned, if at all, about bacteria and/or hygiene-related issues when it comes to gym towel/gym wear usage? (response) |
Percentage response |
Quite concerned |
43% |
Very concerned |
29% |
Not very concerned |
20% |
Not concerned at all |
5% |
I don’t know |
2% |
I personally find these statistics astounding! Only 43% are 'quite concerned' about which bacteria is on their own gym wear! I am very aware that I'm on the upper end of the scale when it comes to hygiene, I mean I work for a hygiene company... but I mean only 43%. I would say I'm astutely aware and wash everything my family comes into contact with VERY regularly!
How many times Brits wear sports underwear (bra/pants) before washing
How many times do you wear your sports underwear (bra/pants) before washing them? |
Percentage response |
Once |
53% |
2-3 times |
20% |
4-6 times |
11% |
7 or more times |
6% |
7 of more times .... you have got to be kidding! These people are grot bags, and need to have a word with themselves!
Through a survey of 2,000 UK adults, the research found that one in nine (11%) Brits admit to wearing their sports underwear up to FOUR TIMES before choosing to wash them. Urgh!
One in five (20%) respondents wear their sports underwear 2-3 times before washing them.
A further one in nine (11%) went as far as to wear their sports bra or pants 4-6 times during a workout before washing. This is utterly disgusting!
Shockingly, six percent of Brits even admitted to wearing their sports underwear for over seven workouts before washing. Putrid!
Men (24%) were more likely to wait 2-3 workouts before washing their gym undergarments, compared to women (16%).
Men were also more likely (12%) to wear underwear 4-6 times before washing, compared to women (9%). (Eye Roll...)
Most respondents (55%) admitted odour was the deciding factor in their decision to wash their gym wear, with less than half (46%) washing due to potential germs and bacteria.
How often Brits wash their gym towels after the gym
How often do you wash your gym towels? (response) |
Percentage response |
After each use |
18% |
Once a week |
12% |
2-3 times a week |
11% |
4-6 times a week |
6% |
Every 2-3 weeks |
3% |
Once a month |
2% |
Never |
2% |
Survey results also show a breakdown of age, gender and location. For the complete survey findings, please view here.
An astonishing 36% of people (over a third of respondents) admitted to not washing their gym towels after each use, and roughly a third of that amount (12%) owned up to only washing their gym towels once a week. This is utterly disgusting!
Less than a fifth (18%) of UK residents say they wash their gym towel after each use.
A further 3% of Brits admitted to only washing their gym towels every 2-3 weeks, and 2% either washed their towels once a month or never. What is going on with NEVER washing your towels! Who are these people??
How many times Brits wear running shoes/trainers before washing
How many times did you wear your trainers before washing them? (response) |
Percentage response |
7 or more times |
22% |
2-3 times |
17% |
4-6 times |
16% |
Once |
13% |
A surprising 32% don’t keep track of how often they clean their gym trainers, while over one in five (22%) worked out seven or more times before giving them a wash.
A further one in six (17%) worked out 2-3 times before giving their trainers a clean, with just one in seven (13%) washing their trainers after every workout.
This is following concerning study findings from Health, which has revealed that you can contract skin infections through contact with different surfaces at the gym. Certain types of bacteria, viruses, and fungi thrive in warm, moist environments, including the insides of your running shoes, and the bottom of your gym bag. Take note people!
Maintaining clean gym wear
To keep your gym wear in tip top condition, follow the steps below:
- If you are going to rewear your sweaty garb again, make sure to hang it up to dry between uses to limit the growth of bacteria. (Drying alone can reduce up to 90% of bacteria.)
- Always wash undergarments after each wear to prevent faecal germs from spreading, as well as socks to prevent fungal infections.
- Wash your gym towel and any workout clothes separately from your other laundry to prevent cross-contamination. I always wash towels and cotton items at 90 degrees.
- The odour-building bacteria will build up on the inside of your workout gear, so washing inside out will give it a more thorough clean.
- Use a detergent that’s specifically formulated to handle tough sweat marks and malodour.
- Ensure your washing machine is clean by regularly disinfecting it to avoid transferring bacteria to your gym wear, and avoid fabric softeners.
- Air dry your gym gear and make sure clothes or towels are completely dry before use, as bacteria thrive in damp environments.
Survey conducted by Live Football Tickets
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