Here are 10 characteristics of the very best cleaning companies and professional cleaners… how many did you get?

1. Understanding and Knowledge

A thorough understanding of anit-bacterials vs anti-virals is always handy, and a good knowledge of the accreditations that are required for each one is very important.  Knowing your 99.9% vs your 99.9999% log reductions are critical in not only your reputation but if you know the difference between these two you actually know your stuff.  This blog that I’ve linked here will help to brush up on your knowledge of log reductions.

Knowing what chemicals you can safely introduce in to a septic tank vs which chemicals you can safely use beside a swimming pool is really important if you want to stay at the top of the tree.  If you don’t know the difference between your log reductions and your elbow, you need help so get in touch with us! Our training and education is entirely free of charge if you’re buying your products from us!

2. Going to war with the right weapons…

Here at Astral we like to keep it simple.  Excellent products, of a professional standard that keep things simple and do the job in half the time.  As a professional cleaner, time is money, so we recommend the best products, and only the products that we believe you will need, that will help you to efficiently and effectively do the job. 

Our products are evaluated and go through rigorous quality control testing.  At Astral we only do the best, and we leave all the watered down detergent for someone else.  This means our chemicals are effective, because we analyse the ingredients, it means our cloths are high quality and big, because we evaluate the quality…. If you want the best, come to Astral.

3. You must have the stomach for it….

In your career as a cleaner, you will be faced with some pretty awful situations, and you must be able to tackle these with efficiency, professionalism and vigor. 

4. Love to impress….

As a cleaner you will be invited in to homes and workplaces and the overall aim is to make them become a nicer and pleasing environment.  If you are tasked with scrubbing out a stain (maybe use this spot and stain remover??), or are required to de-clutter a living space, this is going to take planning and determination.  Superstar cleaners are rare and thin on the ground, so if you take a huge amount of pride in your work, you will be ahead of the competition. 

5. Good Health

Being a cleaner is a tough active job, so you must have your health in tip top condition.  You must be willing and able to stand and be on your feet for hours at a time, and you must also be able to pick up and lug around heavy equipment.  You don’t have to be a top athlete, but once you get started you will quickly realise that a cleaners’ health is important in impressing your client… you must be able to go the extra mile!

6. Friendliness….

If you are bidding for that piece of work, having an ability to build rapport with each customer is crucial to making that customer like you. At the end of it all, people buy people, and if you’re coming across cold and disinterested your not going to win that work.  Many cleaning firms have got to work as part of a team, so making sure you are friendly and approachable really makes a difference. If you undertake your work with a smile and a nice friendly demenour, you’re so much more likely to get recommendations. 

7. Consistency every time…..

To excel in the cleaning business, you must have high standards and execute every cleaning job to the same standard every time.  If you do an outstanding job every time, you’ll not only be highly recommended but you’ll also be highly regarded.

8. Trustworthiness

You are being let in to peoples houses and peoples work places, so you are being placed in a position of trust. Having recommendations, a good reputation and great client testimonials will really help you to build your business. 

9. Perceptiveness

To get the right level of clean, you actually have to be able to read your customers desires and wants based on the manner in which they display their home/office.  This must be done with minimal disruption to their day to day life and in a cost effective manner.  Perceptiveness in your cleaning career is key and is often overlooked.

10. An openness to innovation

Especially now, that fogging seems to be ever popular, innovation is really important in a professional cleaning service.  The newest floor buffing machine, or the safest anti-viral chemical can make a world of difference to your desirability in todays’ marketplace. It is essential to stay one step ahead and keep on top of these innovations and emerging trends, and be always thinking of new ways to incorporate them into your everyday work and your cleaning business strategy.

If you’re a cleaner, how many of these traits do you believe that you possess? Which other traits would you add to our list? Leave us a comment below – we’d love to hear from you. If you’d like any training or to simply chat to us, get in touch…

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